Friday, March 28, 2014

Syracuse Seeds of Peace PSs Meet Syracuse Mayor Stephanie Miner

Three Syracuse Seeds of Peace Peer Supporters (PSs), namely, Cimone Jordan, Anna Nguyen, and Abdinoor Mohamed, represented the Syracuse Seeds in a lunch meeting with Mayor Miner this morning (Thursday, March 27) at City Hall, from 11:30 until noon. A PSs' initiative, the meeting was to inform the Mayor of the various efforts that Seeds are involved in, their plans, and then to present the Mayor with a letter to request the proclamation of August 22 as Syracuse Seeds of Peace Day. In their letter, the PSs stated the following:

We ask that you (Mayor Miner) proclaim August 22 as Syracuse Seeds of Peace Day. The main goal of this day would be to urge citizens to celebrate and support efforts to build a society where we can coexist and come to respect one another. On this day, our main goal would be to serve the community through volunteerism and to spread the message of peace. If you would be willing to collaborate with Syracuse Seeds of Peace, we could work together to mobilize the community to practice acts that encourage harmony.

Left: Cimone, Abdinoor, and Anna talking with Mayor Stephanie Miner; Right: Derrick Dorsey and Jose Cossa. Photo by Keith O'Brien, InterFaith Works of Central New York

For more pictures of the meeting with the Mayor, please visit the following site:

I am very proud to say that Cimone, Abdinoor, and Anna did a fabulous job representing the Syracuse Seeds. We look forward to more initiatives of this kind, both at the school and community level. For instance, Lisa Neville (Ella's mom) spearheaded an initiative by inviting Seeds to her home to participate in two writing workshops in preparation for a talk they will be giving this Saturday (March 29th at 5 p.m.) and Sunday (March 30th at 9 a.m. and 11 a.m.). You are all welcome to attend these services and support our representatives--Cimone, Raiss, Abdi, Abdinoor, Ella, and Ranya--as they give a talk about Syracuse Seeds of Peace to the Community at Saint Lucy's Church, 432 Gifford Street in Syracuse.

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